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Writer's pictureAshley Koehler

Member Highlight: Ramone Allen

Can you tell us a little bit about the moment you realized you were an artist? 

The moment I realized I was an artist was when I realized how much I loved to create, even if I didn’t like what I was creating at the time. 

You work in many different mediums, what comes most natural to you?

The medium that comes most natural to me is pencil a pencil will always be around 9/10

How did you learn your necessary skills?  a) intern  b) school   c) apprentice 

I learned a lot of what I know from being in gifted and honor arts courses in high school and a basics digital art class.

Are there specific opportunities or challenges that focused your career?

Finding ways to stay creative is probably the biggest challenge to being an artist I would say.

Who do you consider as your most influential mentor?

At this current point in time I don’t really have a mentor or let too many people influence me. This is ironically something I learned from someone you would call a mentor. I have had many mentors over the years though and hopefully many more to come. 

Artists are extremely resourceful and often create multiple streams of income. How do you generate income to support yourself and artistic practice?

I generate most of the money from small side hustles and saving.

How do you measure success in your work?

I’m somewhat of a perfectionist so I think putting something out that you’re proud of and that you think is perfect and it gains even the smallest amount of praise is what I would call successful.

What artist inspires you the most?

A few of my inspirations artistically include Jackson Pollock, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Lil Uzi Vert. 

Do you have a creative hour, or a time/ place/ or activity that inspires your creativity?

I love creating at night, but I think I still have to explore the world to find my creative space.

Do you have a ritual or do you set specific assignments for yourself?

I try to get meditation in and hopefully yoga soon.

Do you keep a journal of ideas?

I always keep a journal with me everywhere I go. 

What is your guilty pleasure?

Watching Reality TV and Actually liking It.

As a kid what did you see yourself doing as a career?

I wanted to do many things as a kid and being an artist was one of them. It’s something that I love something that I’m blessed to do.

What told you ‘this is the life for me’? (and when)

When I look at the net worth of all of my idols it reminds me to keep going 

What compromises have you had to make in order to succeed (ie: location of studio, driving a lot, not doing something you really want to do, working seasonally etc) Has it been worth all of your effort?

Time is one thing that’s important to me and I know that this requires 100% so when people ask me why I don’t go out and I tell them it’s because I’m writing a song or painting or doing anything I’m pretty much compromising my time I would say balancing work and fun is the biggest compromise. 


Ramone has been a Creative Member of Arrow Creative since 2019 and creates beautiful poured resin paintings objects for your home for his small business Mural Muse. Stop by Arrow to check out his studio!

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